Due to COVID, Louisiana finds itself with high unemployment levels and a surplus of low-skill workers. Industry workforce experts across the state have identified technology job roles as key investments in training and hiring in the post-COVID pandemic playbook for any business.
To provide a local solution to this unprecedented unemployment, Walls is now offering our Futures Fund technology and soft-skills training for adults, veterans, and at-risk youth no longer enrolled in school. In partnership with BRCC Acadian and EmployBR, our Coding Boot Camp will be an accelerated version of our 6-year proven Futures Fund Tech Academy model to up-skill workers, sending them back to work and on a pathway to meaningful employment in just 6 months.
With a surge in low-skill worker unemployment, the time is now to up-skill un(der)employed residents of Louisiana for the jobs of the future. The Futures Fund's intergenerational training program can help anyone get the career technology skills needed to become part of the online economy and remote workforce.
When college campuses can safely re-open at full-capacity, Walls will offer in-person training for our youth Futures Fund Tech Academy at Southern University and BRCC Mid City, and the Futures Fund Coding Boot Camp accelerated training for adults and veterans at BRCC Acadian and RPCC Geismer.
Interested in becoming a Boot Camp Trainee? Apply here.