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NEA Our Town Planning Liftoff

Writer's picture: Helena WilliamsHelena Williams

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

NEA Our Town Planning Liftoff

Community Planning for the NEA Advancements at Baton Roots


NEA OUR TOWN STEERING COMMITTEE GOALS: - Baton Roots Community Farm Expanding to 5-Acres to provide fresh produce access to food-insecure families - Walls Project create a comprehensive list of local stakeholders to give their input on potential amenities at the farm - Engage with LSU School of Landscape Architecture + Coastal Sustainability Studio - Compliment the existing BREC Howell Park Master Plan + Imagine Plank Rd - Present a plan to the NEA and local & national foundations next summer to secure funding for implementation NEA PLANNING GRANT TIMELINE: 1. Late Summer (August-September 2020): Identify artists to participate in planning efforts; plan first community engagement workshop with artists; engage Southern University urban forestry students and Southern Ag Center 2. Early Fall (September-October): plan community engagement events 3. Mid Fall (October-November): host 2-3 community engagement events 4. Late Fall (November-December 2020): organize and analyze data from community engagement 5. Winter (January 2021): Conduct design charette with artists, SU urban forestry students, and LSU design students in Landscape Architecture 3002  and Architecture 4072 (potential project for LA Design Week) 6. Spring (February-March 2021):  Design Development 7. Spring (April 2021): Final Design 8. Early Summer (May-June 2021):  Final editing of publication draft and project delivery (Serrano/Palagi/Birch and LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio student interns) BATON ROOTS OUTDOOR KITCHEN PAVILION (INSPIRATION IMAGES): BREC Howell Park Master Plan: 8.12.20 Meeting Agenda & Zoom Chat: Over a year ago, Baton Roots Community Farm’s groundbreaking at BREC Howell Park signaled a new community-wide investment in North Baton Rouge. Now, with a $100,000 planning grant award from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), Baton Roots is on track to becoming a fresh food oasis in the midst of a food desert. With recent support from the NEA, the Walls is partnering with LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio to develop a comprehensive master plan and site design for the farm’s 4-acre footprint at the once underutilized golf course. LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio faculty and students will lend their technical expertise in architecture and landscape architecture to help develop the plan with the local community, HealthyBR, BREC, BR Green, Build Baton Rouge, and WHLC Architecture.  The NEA grant is to plan with the Howell Park and surrounding community what the vision for the Baton Roots Community Farm future will be. Given the current status of the pandemic, we are not comfortable asking our artist-in-residence, Faheem Majeed, to travel from Chicago and our North BR community engagement activities will remain paused until further notice. However, you are invited to the Zoomverse for the humble beginnings of what potentially could become a turning point moment in the reactivation of the Winbourne corridor.  The goal of this meeting is to review the existing Baton Roots footprint and align everyone’s expectations on the work ahead to build on the existing BREC Howell Park master plan and compliment the Imagine Plank Rd work being driven by BBR. We will then begin the outreach to our larger community partner orbit for our next meeting: - Living Faith Church - Church Point Ministries - Oasis Church - Winbourne Elementary - Brookstown Middle  - Arlington Academy - Istrouma High Alumni  - Glen Oaks High & Alumni (Baton Roots satellite site)  - Capitol High & Alumni (Baton Roots satellite site)  - Scotlandville High & Alumni (Baton Roots satellite site)  - Businesses and Nonprofits along the Winbourne Ave and Plank Rd corridor - Zion City Civic Association - Scotlandville CDC/CADAV - NorthBR Now - And many, many more!  There are lots of ideas to share including a demonstration kitchen pavilion, farmers market, and a fantastical 25'+ public art system beginning along Winbourne Ave. We cannot wait to hear all of your collective ideas to incorporate into the farm's masterplan followed by what Walls does best - turn to action!  - - - 14:29:20 From Casey Phillips : Who else needs to be engaged in this planning work at BREC Howell Park on Winbourne Ave? Here is my initial list, please put names/emails into the chat: - Living Faith Church - Church Point Ministries - Oasis Church - Winbourne Elementary - Brookstown Middle - Arlington Academy - Istrouma High Alumni - Glen Oaks High & Alumni (Baton Roots satellite site) - Capitol High & Alumni (Baton Roots satellite site) - Scotlandville High & Alumni (Baton Roots satellite site) - Businesses and Nonprofits along the Winbourne Ave and Plank Rd corridor - Zion City Civic Association - Scotlandville CDC/CADAV - NorthBR Now 14:30:42 From Jared Hymowitz : Hi-Nabor 14:30:47 From Jared Hymowitz : salvation Army 14:31:17 From Jared Hymowitz : Habitat for Humanity 14:31:42 From Jared Hymowitz : Tony's Seafood 14:32:00 From Jared Hymowitz : Catholic Diocese 14:32:08 From Jared Hymowitz : Cristo Ray 14:33:01 From Jared Hymowitz : Democracy Prep 14:33:24 From Casey Phillips : Thank you Jared 14:33:29 From Alexis Phillips : youth oasis 14:33:43 From Jared Hymowitz : AARP 14:34:49 From Manny Patole - CCBR : What should be the qualifiers to be part of the planning group? Those who are located in this corridor, those who have links to the corridor, etc? We should keep it open but also mindful of too many voices/spoiled soup 14:35:17 From Casey Phillips : Manny, both of the categories. 14:39:53 From Manny Patole - CCBR : Great meeting everyone. Casey/Mitchell I will follow-up with you one next steps. 14:40:02 From Mitchell Provensal : Thank you Manny! 14:40:48 From Manny Patole - CCBR : BR is a receiving city and have so many connected issues related to coastal issues of LA. 14:43:47 From Carl Motsenbocker : Together Baton Rouge - targeting churches in North Baton Rouge. 14:44:08 From Mary Bergeron : Neighborhood houses of worship 14:45:12 From Faheem Majeed : Hi Everyone. I really look forward to working with everyone. Really excited to get to work. 14:46:34 From Casey Phillips : Cleve Dunn for outreach 14:46:42 From Jared Hymowitz : Housing Authority 14:48:15 From Rex : Project Website? 14:50:30 From Chelsea Morgan : can you include the master plans mentioned in the notes? I know we have seen them but it would nice to have them all in one place. 14:51:03 From Casey Phillips : Walls Project will email the Goals and the Master Plan 14:53:11 From Casey Phillips : Katie great idea, a communications plan for this 14:57:25 From Geno McLaughlin : 14:57:50 From Katie Pritchett : and then you could maybe do a quick poll on that same page to ask residents their zip code and what they see the continued vision is for this project.


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