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New Art Decks The Walls Home Office

Samantha Morgan

The hallway, conference room, and main work space at the Walls Project Headquarter have a new look, thanks to Artist in Residence Ashli Ognelodh.

Her new series of paintings, “Presence,” is currently on display at the Walls Project Headquarters, 458 America Street, and an opening reception was held on Friday, Feb. 24.

Describe the concept behind the artwork you have at the Walls?

The work centers around two major components of my life; my relationship with God and my mental health. Exploring these components and assessing myself daily helps me heal internally. As an adult, unfortunately trauma is something we all have the misfortune of having access to, but exploring my healing through art and through Christ have helped me manage myself better as a person.

Describe how you went about incorporating text in the paintings and why you decided to do that.

I initially was nervous about putting the bible text in the work. I was like, 'this is the bible, um, is this a good idea, lol.' After praying about it, I realized that my relationship with God plays a major part in the narrative of my identity and placing that in the work allows a me to have connectivity with God and with the audience simultaneously.

Do you have prints available and if so, how do I purchase them?

Prints are available of any piece on my website and customers can message me the size they would like to purchase. All prints are done on gallery style canvas and ready to hang.

Where else can I see your artwork?

You can see my work on my instagram page @ashliognelodh and my website:

How can I support you as an artist?

You can support my work, obviously, by purchasing original artwork. But you can also purchase prints of the work and of course just sharing the work helps so much as well. Telling people about the work. Sharing the work with their contacts on both a general level and a corporate level. Sharing the work on their social media platforms. Writing about the work on blogs, newspapers, and speaking about the work in podcasts. Also, inviting me to speak about the work on their platforms; podcasts, public speaking engagements, etc.

The Walls Project Headquarters is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. However, we’re always moving from one project to the next, so feel free to call first to make sure someone will be there, (225) 434-0515.

If you appreciate the work being done by The Walls Project, please consider becoming a reoccurring contributor. To learn more about ways you can contribute, CLICK HERE.


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