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#OneRouge Friday Community Check-In (Week 56, 57)

Writer's picture: Zoë HaddadZoë Haddad

Updated: May 24, 2021

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in EBR, The Walls Project has been hosting weekly video calls with leaders of nonprofits, foundations, city government, and local businesses from a

cross the parish. The intention of these weekly community check-ins is to share information and resources to help the Baton Rouge community respond and recover from the pandemic. Weekly topics range from access to basic needs such as food, medical care, and safety to thought-leaders' insights on equitable opportunities for youth enrichment, nonprofit financial solvency, surge in unemployment, and the disproportionate impact on impoverished neighborhoods in regards to accessing fresh food.


'High Teen Birth Rates - Part I'

Meeting Notes Prepared by Zoë Haddad (Walls Project)

BREC SB 205 Update

SB 205 seeks to remove the cities of Zachary and Central from our BREC park system. This bill was filed with no public input. The park system is funded by property taxes approved by EBR voters, however this bill seeks to legislatively take those dollars and re-allocate them to create two new park districts. SB 205 has already passed through the Senate. It was scheduled to be heard by the House committee Municipal, Parochial and Cultural Affairs yesterday but was deferred. It will be heard next week and committee members really need to hear from the people that will be impacted by this bill. Ways to voice your opinion on SB205:

EBR Food Insecurity Coalition (FIC) Updates

Work Group A: Funders

  • Currently made up of mainly local funders - one of our objectives is to bring in or inform national and outside funders and of what food insecurity is like

  • Unless a funder has specific focus on food insecurity they don’t really realize the impact it has on other areas of focus they may have in their practice (such as workforce development)

  • Bring in funding that builds the capacity of the coalition as a whole - build up the producers as well as the groups providing data gathering

  • Finding that supporter/funder is a bit of a challenge so we are coming at it from different directions

  • Yesterday (5/20/21) we brought in JP Morgan Chase who just made a large grant to Build Baton Rouge and the focus on Plank Road corridor...we’re taking small steps as we bring in national funders to educate them

Chelsea Morgan (AHA)

Work Group B (Producers)

  • Immediate goals are understanding what’s already happening in our community and how we can bridge those gaps: food shares, coordinating partnerships with the work already happening with Geaux Get Healthy and the extension the Mayor’s office (such as the two Dollar Generals outfitted with fresh produce in 70805)

  • Really new innovative comprehensive food outlets

  • Wellness Wednesday at the YMCA: Top Box, BREADA, AHA, nutrition educators come together to provide an actual understanding of how to cook these foods in a healthy way

  • Medium goals: Understanding how we can add to the existing disaster plan the city has in place especially as we approach hurricane season

  • Partnerships in place already like churches with pantries (which are typically only nonperishable, seeking to connect them with our partners to get supplies of fresh produce)

  • Get the Food Bank, United Way, and distributors engaged in what’s already happening to expand capacity for all our organizations

  • Long term goal: working together to reimagine how food is grown

  • Growers, distributors, educators, and farmers in the group help see the long term need of action based opportunities in place to understand creating equity around food and the health and wellness part of what we do

  • From the AHA: we talk a lot about food insecurity and how so much of our parish is just one natural disaster or medical bill away from being food insecure

  • We talk a lot about the ALICE population

  • Understanding that immediate need and how we can further have conversations around food insecurity and nutrition security

  • Access to food that is healthy, nutritious, and affordable that they know how to prepare

  • Empower ourselves and community members to do things like what AHA does with GGH using the Healthy For Life curriculum created by AHA and Aramark

  • Educational experiences that provide people the understanding of how to make better choices - not just about cooking demos and classes, it’s connected to the farm and community work there, how to continue to make culturally relevant recipes

  • Grant work: how this collective can come together in a variety of ways when we speak with Jan’s group and our funder opportunities. Outlined ten potential “asks” through grant themes. After yesterday’s call it seems like we’re narrowing it down to five through some further collaboration on wording and combining some of the ideas. Looking at technology solutions, food education, equitable access in food deserts as well as conservation through the production of fresh food and edible food forests

  • HB 132 Water Access in Schools is being led by the AHA with Rep. Vincent Pierre out of Lafayette - not just about produce and nonperishable foods but also water being a basic human need that kids in particular really can’t live without...water fountains are the germiest place in schools so we are looking to outfit refill stations. Essential to their growth. LA is sixth in the nation for childhood obesity (ages 10-17) and having the opportunity to drink enough water will help reduce that unhealthy weight. Schools nearly triple water intake with stations versus fountains.

Korey Patty (Feeding Louisiana)

Work Group C (Data and Policy)

  • Our time yesterday was largely spent discussing the things happening around this issue at the legislature currently

  • Focused on programs and policies managed and ministered by various state agencies and USDA programs that operate at scale and are able to serve the most people across this community

  • SNAP program is something we want to focus on - understanding the value to those experiencing food insecurity and the value to the state overall putting upwards of $1.6 billion into the state economy

  • Flexible, efficient system that allows people to buy the things they know they and their families will need

  • Our role with Feeding Louisiana representing the food banks across the state is looking at the response to food insecurity holistically

  • How do we add to the fantastic work on the ground with strong state and federal programs that compliment the work to remove barriers that exist for people to access these benefits and leverage the resources they really need

  • At the legislative level, you have HB 322, a pandemic EBT bill - SNAP benefits for children eligible for free and reduced price meals. Passed out of the Senate, has one more step to get through. We are definitely in support of that bill with the recognition that the school format has been a challenge for a lot of people, especially those students eligible for free and reduced price bills. But good news, it’s sailing through the process.

  • Sen. Fred Mills, Chairman of the House Health and Welfare Committee, authored a resolution urging and requesting the Dept. of Health to host a convening around the issues of food insecurity and hunger in our state.

  • Dept. of Health manages a couple nutrition programs: CSFP for seniors, WIC for women and children...There’s a great opportunity to connect with other state agencies to understand those connections Chelsea mentioned to health and nutrition

  • Have to consider how hunger and food insecurity tie into all these outcomes - what’s the impact for children going to school who don’t have the nutrition they need to sit and learn? Negative health outcomes for adults? The impacts on economic and health well being for seniors?

  • Our driving principle is community education around issues and resources that exist, what the barriers are, how we can work with state agencies or policy makers to decrease those barriers and then communicate to people that could use these resources - dispelling myths, putting good resources and information in place so folks can get the things they and their families need to thrive

Katie Pritchett (CAUW)

  • We’re looking at how to leverage what other people are doing around the state to expand our work so we aren’t working in a silo† but together

  • Excited to have Korey in that group so we have first hand knowledge, Danny with Louisiana Budget Project as well...we've been able to keep a really good pulse on what’s going on at the Capitol. It’s a really exciting group if you’re interested in policy. We’ve really narrowed in our focus and we’re going to accomplish some great things.

Manny Patole (Co-City Baton Rouge)

  • We’ve all reached across these silos towards this goal of moving the metric of food insecurity to zero

  • Wanted to highlight two things that have been breaking down these barriers and the work being done here:

  • First, the STIR Labs, a national research program funded by the National Science Foundation connecting governments with academic teams. Want to shout out Traci Birch and John Lewis who have been very vital in understanding the pulse of what’s going on on the ground.

  • Our research challenge over all for this specific item is to develop a systemic view of the food supply chain to better identify the gaps in food insecurity issues. Our research question as we hone in on certain things is how to increase food security and sufficiency at the neighborhood scale

  • International conference is called Just Food, a combined conference from June 9-15 of four international organizations (Association for the Study of Food and Society, Agriculture Food and Human Values Society, the Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition)

  • Having a round table discussion talking about how we have cultivated this food insecurity coalition in the time of COVID19, bringing the work everyone has done since August of 2020 to an international platform

  • For those interested, the STIR Lab is a free registration, day-long seminar and our presentation in conjunction with Chris Tyson of Build Baton Rouge will be at 3 PM Central time June 8th. The round table discussion with myself, Casey, Katie, Korey, and Shane will be June 12th at 8 AM Central. You do have to pay for registration but you can register as a community member for a lower cost. The conference is a week long if you want to attend any other events virtually.

Emily Chatelain (Three O’Clock Project)

  • Pretty robust summer feeding program between several different entities

  • If you know of a program that has kids on site who are not getting healthy meals, let me know so we can figure that out

  • Delivering daily meals to YMCA, BREC, and several other tutoring programs and summer camps

  • EBR is having lots of summer schools and camps and they are doing a sign up for home delivery

  • Knee deep in health permits, but everything launches either this Monday or the next, June 1

Alfreda Tillman Bester (Dept. of Children and Family Services)

  • Thanks to Korey and the people at Feeding Louisiana for all you do for our Food Banks. We really appreciate the way you supplement those in poverty and those who are food insecure.

  • I think most of you know I’m the Assistant Secretary for the Dept. of Children and Family Services and had responsibility for the Office of Family Support that administered the SNAP program

  • One of the things that’s the most aggravating for me is that we were supplemental, assuming that people had the ability to pay for a portion of their food. I wonder if there is any discussion aside from the work we are doing at the Vulnerable Communities and Peoples Initiative at the Law Center if there’s any discussion about the fragmentation of feeding people. For instance, people having to go to different places over the summer to feed their children because they don’t have enough resources. I’ve always wanted to see more in terms of people paying people enough in benefits so that they didn’t have to go to all of these places, many of them without transportation, too. We are more than capable of assessing a family’s actual need and giving them the resources they need to purchase their own food. We shouldn’t make it more difficult for people who are already food and transportation insecure to get food

Gwen Hamilton (NSBR)

  • One of the things presented to the coalition and has been an active participant in the committee has been the participation of the Dept. of Children and Family Services and what they said to us was a specific way to help families and on the ground needs that Ms. Bester put out is to make sure that nonprofits, churches, and others with resources understand the once in a lifetime opportunity we have for lots of dollars included in the CARES Act and EBT expansion to really reach out to those in our networks and help guide them to access, to de-stigmatize EBT. The rules and regulations have been relaxed substantially and far more people qualify but don’t participate because of the stigma. It’s up to nonprofits, churches and other organizations to create some portal or some way to engage families when they come in for other services and encourage them to apply for benefits

Korey Patty

  • I think that’s the holistic approach, understanding there’s so many resources out there, how do we connect people with what they need....instead of having to go from Point A to B to C, how do we appropriately staff and resources these organizations and inform these organization of what’s out there because we’re all in this together. There are no organizations that have come to the table and said no, I won’t do that or help the people I’m serving in a particular way.

Alfreda Tillman Bester

  • People can be taken care of through the Dept. of Children and Family services and what we’re calling supplemental nutrition assistance now could be called the Nutrition Assistance Program and we give people enough money to feed their families...just a thought.

Reverend Anderson (PREACH): Can the speakers discuss the issue of infrastructure challenges around healthy eating and food preparation? For instance those who are exposed to dirty water but this is what they have available to cook with or lead tainted old pots and pans etc.

Chelsea Morgan: It definitely is something being addressed in our community. When Chef Traci and I are out in the community, we bring a gallon of water and a bus pan to make sure food is properly clean and as a precaution that we may not have access to clean water. This is being addressed on a larger scale by the NEA Our Town Grant and what is happening at Howell Park with all the work LSU students are doing to further outfit the Baton Roots farm, where down the line a teaching kitchen or infrastructure is in place so there is access to water. It’s built in with BREC understanding the flood sheds already truly is a comprehensive approach and need to have clean access. In the interim, we are ensuring safety and having those conversations. We talk a lot about food storage, but again, what do you do if you don’t have access? We also try to educate people on the basic kitchen tools you can need. So understanding what people have and meeting them where they are is most important to us.

Manny Patole

  • Just to put it in perspective, water is the actual stuff I am pedagogically educated on. I work with Water Management on the law and policy management side specifically in slums in Eastern/Southern Africa and Southeastern Brazil

  • One of the quotes that comes to mind is from a Nigerian journalist who says the USA is a third world country with a Gucci belt. There’s this perspective that everything here is going well but we have this lack of infrastructure across the board.

  • How do you reframe the problem? How do you frame it as an economic incentive vs. a social cost? When you’re looking at water infrastructure it’s the idea of clean jobs, clean tech. We’re looking at this for our kids and everyone else. It really differs from state to state, and east and west of the Mississippi.

  • There’s an economic multiplier involved in that every $1 invested in water infrastructure provides $8 of economic return, especially the impact for children and women. Invest in water!

Reverend Anderson

  • One of my concerns is always the most impacted people - if I live somewhere where our water is dirty, everything I’m preparing comes with that issue. If I am in a lead based environment or have a lot of things that are literally picked up out of garbage cans...that’s one of my concerns. But also the fact that food is such a foundational tool to get people into a place where they can get access to other services. We have a lot of low and no wealth children on multiple medications. When you’re on medications, nutrition is an important piece of that pie. It’s important to use those food banks not just for putting food in a box...We have a way to benchmark what people need, to use sort of a no wrong door policy where we’re actually engaging all of our partners and their work - if a child is going to school are we asking about food insecurity, medication issues and then partnering with all the resources? Are we working with our Medicaid providers to do the same thing? Are we working with our faith based communities to frame them...even as simple as putting a poster in the bathroom with a 1-800 number?

  • In this particular community we’re moving to a more digitized resource system in a community where we have lots of seniors who are not computer literate and they are one of the high groups of food insecurity...We have people who don’t speak the language most of the materials are produced in. We have lots and lots of people who are either non banked at all, under banked or predatory banked. I just wanted to put that out there because I think one of the solutions is that we can find out what people really need holistically and then put those things together by empowering partners to know what’s available to them.

Jan Moller (LA Budget Project)

  • Korey covered a lot of what we’re working on, particularly the EBT bill that luckily seems to be moving along quite easily. It’s really a data sharing bill that makes it easier to get benefits to people so they don’t have to go an apply, they can automatically issue the benefits

  • We have three more weeks at the Capital. The budget is in pretty good shape this year so not looking at a whole lot of budget cuts. The big question is there’s a lot of stimulus dollars and lots of questions about how to spend it in the best possible way

  • Want to make sure it goes to the communities most affected by COVID19 and help them not just once

Katie Pritchett

  • If you’re interested in being a part of the coalition, our next general membership meeting will be Thursday June 3rd at 2 PM. Our topic is Child Hunger and Summer Feeding. We’ll have a panel of experts discussing that followed by breakouts to discuss that topic.

  • Email for the calendar invite

  • Visit the FIC Work Doc to add organizations that could help

08:35:26 From Andrea Roberts to Everyone: Ways to voice your opinion on SB205 (BREC break-up bill): - Come to the House Committee meeting at the capitol to voice your opinion to committee members (text 'SB205' to 844-990-4114 for updates on date/time/place) - Email an official statement to the committee secretary ( - Email committee members ( 08:54:05 From Ann Zanders to Everyone: What is that bill number? 08:54:25 From Katie Pritchett, CAUW to Everyone: PEBT Bill is HB 322 08:54:39 From Katie Pritchett, CAUW to Everyone: Senate Resolution 77 08:55:13 From Casey Phillips to Everyone: We will circle around to everyone on this call who is working on policy around food security post 9am, please drop in the chat if you would like to speak. 08:55:39 From Casey Phillips to Everyone: Also please put any/all questions for our speakers in the chat as well. 08:56:34 From Andrea Roberts to Everyone: The facts on SB205 (BREC break-up bill): 08:57:46 From Korey Patty to Everyone: Thanks, Katie! 08:58:15 From Manny Patole (he|his, Co-City Baton Rouge) to Everyone: I think it’s Salmon :-) 08:58:21 From Alfreda Tillman Bester to Everyone: Good morning, Casey. I would like to speak regarding food insecurity. 08:58:32 From Manny Patole (he|his, Co-City Baton Rouge) to Everyone: Always great to see David! 09:03:19 From Manny Patole (he|his, Co-City Baton Rouge) to Everyone: Links: STIR Labs Info Webinar - STIR Labs Presentation (registration is free, at bottom of page): JUST FOOD: because it is never just food - 09:03:23 From Luke St. John McKnight to Everyone: Thanks, Manny 09:04:03 From Manny Patole (he|his, Co-City Baton Rouge) to Everyone: Building on the work you and others are doing, Luke. 09:06:23 From Casey Phillips to Everyone: To all our speakers today…please place into the chat 1-3 action items that leaders on this call can do to help support the work you all are doing during the legislative session, this summer, AND all year round 09:07:14 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone: So glad you mentioned this. Transportation is the same issue. 09:09:44 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone: Can the speakers discuss the issue of infrastructure challenges around healthy eating and food preparation? For instance those who are exposed to dirty water but this is what they have available to cook with or lead tainted old pots and pans etc. 09:10:33 From Manny Patole (he|his, Co-City Baton Rouge) to Everyone: My three recommendations: 09:10:33 From Manny Patole (he|his, Co-City Baton Rouge) to Everyone: Understand the issues, long game (short-term solutions do not address the structural issues at play), and the players; Seek out what is not being said/talked about; Make your voice is heard 09:11:06 From Katie Pritchett, CAUW to Everyone: Great point, Gwen. The Policy Group is also focused on advocating and providing community education around what resources are available that people can take advantage of, and making sure we keep the people needing services at the center of the conversation! 09:11:59 From Gardere Initiative to Everyone: Unite US, networking software program, CAUW 09:13:44 From Katie Pritchett, CAUW to Everyone: fragmented especially for populations that are often transient 09:16:18 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone: How do we work effectively with our Medicaid providers, educational facilities, faith based organizations to create a no wrong door policy? If you go to the church there is a directory with resources, etc. We also need to recognize as we move to a more digital based system that many of the most at risk families are underbanked, literacy issues, language barriers and computer illiterate. 09:17:16 From Casey Phillips to Everyone: If you all know anyone that needs to join the work of food insecurity in the Capital Region please add them to the shared resource document: 09:17:54 From Korey Patty to Everyone: All excellent points, Rev. Anderson. There are so many critical intersections with hunger and poverty, and there really is something here for everyone. 09:22:18 From Manny Patole (he|his, Co-City Baton Rouge) to Everyone: The class I teach on Food-Energy-Water Nexus: The production and consumption of food, energy, and water (FEW) are essential for our modern societies to function. Demand for all three is increasing, driven by a rising global population, rapid urbanization, changing diets and economic growth. The interactions among water, energy and food are numerous and substantial. Water is used for various processes of fossil fuel manufacturing as well as for growing feedstock for biofuels and for generating electricity. Conversely, energy is needed for extracting, transporting, distributing and treating water. Agriculture is the largest consumer of the world’s freshwater resources, and more than one-quarter of the energy used globally is expended on food production and supply. 09:22:32 From Ann Zanders to Everyone: The seniors are also highly isolated and vulnerable ...agreed Rev. Anderson! 09:22:52 From Zoë Haddad to Everyone: Excellent point about the medications! 09:23:28 From Alfreda Tillman Bester to Everyone: Good points Rev Anderson! Yes! The challenges are multiple. 09:25:39 From Manny Patole (he|his, Co-City Baton Rouge) to Everyone: Keep on fighting, Jan and LA Budget project 09:26:46 From Manny Patole (he|his, Co-City Baton Rouge) to Everyone: STIR Labs Info Webinar - STIR Labs Presentation (registration is free, at bottom of page): JUST FOOD: because it is never just food - 09:27:19 From Katie Pritchett, CAUW to Everyone: if you want to be involved in the FIC meetings. 09:27:26 From Kelli Rogers to Everyone: Have to hop off. Thanks everyone! 09:27:32 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: CADAV Juneteeth Festival Saturday June 12 Scotlandville Park Harding Entrance 8:30 registration Trail walk 9:30 event will go to 1:30 To participate email Juneteeth CARAVAN 9:30 lineup @ memorial stadium Saturday June 19 Will end at Gus Young Park for Noon Juneteeth Festival Event til 4 09:27:36 From Jan Ross to Everyone: The Coalition has been huge in bringing people together and informing each of nutrition resources and efforts available in our community. PLEASE educate your donors and supporters of how food insecurity impacts the homeless, education, mental health, arts programs and every other focus area - it impacts all people being served in other focus areas. As being discussed many resources are available, PLEASE insure children you come in contact with are receiving needed resources. It is those unserved that need services the most! 09:28:27 From Casey Phillips to Everyone: Thank You Pat. Thank You Jan. 09:28:40 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: Wear Orange on June 4th Against Gun Violence 09:29:01 From Manny Patole (he|his, Co-City Baton Rouge) to Everyone: KATIE!! What is that puppy??? Names please 09:29:18 From Katie Pritchett, CAUW to Everyone: This is Mac. He is a rescue. 09:29:24 From Tekoah Boatner to Everyone: Thanks for having me! 09:29:26 From Lindi Rubin Spalatin to Everyone: Registration is open for Capable Arts Camp. It will happen on Just 21-24. 09:30:13 From Kevin Guitterrez to Everyone: As always, appreciate the knowledge and passion here...thanks to each of you! 09:30:19 From Zoë Haddad to Everyone: Manny always has the best tshirts 09:30:31 From Ann Zanders to Everyone: Please forward info about the Exxon opportunity 09:31:09 From Jan Ross to Everyone: Must disconnect. Great discussions as always. Have a great weekend. 09:31:37 From Welch, Kelly S to Everyone: for NBR high school students who want to apply for our ExxonMobil summer intern program. Keyword #44602 09:31:40 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone: Scotlandvilke TED Talk is tomorrow at the Greenwood Park beginning at 11am 09:31:41 From Manny Patole (he|his, Co-City Baton Rouge) to Everyone: @Zoe: I made friends with Mr Jetson over my Black Panthers shirt titled, “ The Black Panthers never wore hoods…” at the MLK Fest last year 09:31:47 From Manny Patole (he|his, Co-City Baton Rouge) to Everyone: I will wear it next time. 09:33:17 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone: Yes, yes! We must hold all public servants accountable and ask for transparency! 09:33:42 From David Beach l Wilson Foundation to Everyone: Here, here! 09:33:51 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone: Casey you are a force of nature! 09:34:15 From Manny Patole (he|his, Co-City Baton Rouge) to Everyone: I also thank you and HAWF for helping me navigate EBR :-) 09:34:16 From Alexis Phillips (she/her) to Everyone: Number one fan! 09:34:27 From Ann Zanders to Everyone: Casey sincere thanks!!! 09:34:33 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone: Lets remember everyone that has been impacted by the rain! 09:35:06 From Manny Patole (he|his, Co-City Baton Rouge) to Everyone: For other local BR water issues, connect with the Louisiana Water Initiative. 09:35:10 From Judith Rhodes to Everyone: Thanks all! Happy weekend. 09:35:27 From Manny Patole (he|his, Co-City Baton Rouge) to Everyone: 09:35:45 From Korey Patty to Everyone: Thanks, everyone! 09:35:51 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone: The East Baton Rouge Parish Prison Reform Coalition will be pushing a very important campaign called COVAC to insure accurate information is provided to those housed in the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison and their families. 09:36:00 From Dominique Dallas to Everyone: Thank you!


'High Teen Birth Rates - Part I'

Meeting Notes Prepared by Zoë Haddad (Walls Project)

Frankie Robertson, MPA (President, The Amandla Group)

  • Founder of the Amandla Group, a social justice consulting firm focused on the social and political determinants of health that impact Black and Brown birthing people

  • Worked for March of Dimes for about 12 years, a national organization dedicated to improving maternal and infant health outcomes. One of the leading organizations for maternal and infant health. Served as state director for 7 years leading all aspects of the organization here in LA with some national responsibility as well then 5 years as multi-state regional and advocacy director before forming Amandla Group last March

  • Still represent March of Dimes today as well the National Birth Equity Collaborative

  • Really pleased to be a part of the MetroMorphosis team by way of Project Management services

  • My passion is maternal and infant health - there are alarming disparities not just specifically for teens but for birthing people in general in our state

  • Louisiana has the highest rate of maternal deaths, very high maternal morbidity

  • There’s a lot to be desired as far as what can be done to protect moms

  • Just wanted to share a few things about teen births:

  • In terms of resources there are a few resources March of Dimes has made available publicly through partnerships with organizations like the Greek Divine Nine: Project Alpha, a public awareness campaign between Alpha Phi Alpha and March of Dimes working with young people (particularly aimed at male-male mentorship) discussing sex education, teen pregnancy prevention, societal issues and stressors, a full curriculum

  • Zeta Phi Beta has a women-led organization that follows a similar curriculum - talk about reproductive and sexual health

  • Here to discuss rates of teen pregnancy, but I want to bring attention to the added risk for health concerns for both mom and baby, things people may not automatically relate to that issue - lots of talk about maternal mental health, Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

  • Look at social support and lack of support, economic support, that teens have

  • Preconception health is very important

  • Lots of talk about what happens when someone gets pregnant but there’s so much to do before you get pregnant - most pregnancies are unintended so we have to make sure that we focus on women’s health overall because the health of the baby is tied to the health of the mother

  • Teenagers have about an 11% premature birth rate (before 37 week gestation)

  • Focus on educating young people publicly about reproductive, sexual, and preconception health

  • Your birth outcomes are somewhat shaped by your experiences in the womb

  • For teen pregnancy or even teenage sexual activity, there are long term consequences to your reproductive self: infectious diseases, STIs, HIV/AIDS can actually impact birthing and ability to reproduce later

  • Education is very, very important at this point in a young person’s life

Angela Golden (Community Education Director, Sexual Trauma Awareness & Response)

  • Started in child abuse prevention as an AmeriCorp intern at Baton Rouge Children’s Advocacy for about about 7 years before working with STAR

  • Now we are able to offer community education which is so important when we talk about prevention and healthy outcomes

  • Office in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and Alexandria

  • Education is something we are pushing now more than ever as we see there’s a lot of attention on social media that support claims and beliefs that aren’t factual

  • STAR is trying to bring awareness to the idea of healthy sexuality

  • One of the things we offer is our teenage dating website called STARt Here: things to think about before even thinking about engaging in sexual activities

  • Understanding and knowledge of boundaries creates that power and leads to the prevention of sexual violence for teens

  • Have this Healthy Sexuality Resource gives which gives some information about communication, equity, consent...we have “The Talk with Big Bro Dreaux” which is a guided interactive talk for teens and young adults that guides you through conversations you need to have with your dating partner about contraception, other dating partners, contraception, what might happen with pregnancy or STDs

  • Have a sex timeline which is a step-by-step guide to talk over with your dating partner when you decide to have sex: are we exclusive, are we using protection, what happens when things don’t go right during intercourse

  • Very important for us to share this information - a lot of people think that by talking and encouraging people or teens to have sex but that is not the case. Even in our work with Gardere Initiative, every summer we do a training and the questions teens have are things we didn’t think we had to explain...simple questions of anatomy, how does a baby form...questions that teens have that help to prevent unintended pregnancy, discussing utilizing condoms and contraceptives

  • It’s not just “Don’t do it” without any explanation - the more knowledge and information we are able to give our youth and community the more inclined they are to make educated decisions

  • Sexual health talk is not forcing young people into having sex, it’s actually helping them make wise decisions for themselves and their bodies

Coalition Questions and Discussion

Casey Phillips (Walls Project): Building on the education piece - does the state of LA Dept of Ed and EBR Schools mandate structured sex education?

Angela Golden: Not the schools I work with. Basically they have one class and then they call us in. They are mandated to offer teen dating violence information which we do deliver (we offer a program called Safe Dates). We also have a lot of hesitation and push back when we do discuss in the planning meetings what we’re going to talk about - as soon as the word “sex” is mentioned, we have to reword it and present it differently. The conversation surrounds best practices, sexual health, all of that is a part of it and is important with teen dating violence. You have to know your body, your rights, and your boundaries.

Frankie Robertson: LPHI has a one pager that says LA does not require instruction at any grade level but does allow sexual health education to be taught grades 7-12 and must emphasize abstinence but can also include other risk reduction methods such as contraception and condemns. I encourage everyone to stay abreast of the things happening at the state legislature...there was a bill introduced this year that talked about limiting education on racism and sex. Things are ever changing and we have to be diligent and engage at the policy level.

Casey Phillips: 1 in 4 moms will go on welfare within the third year of their child’s life, are less likely to finish high school and go on to complete higher education. How much have you seen this impact the work you all are doing? By the way, there is plenty of anecdotal exceptions of incredible young women going on to accomplish great things but this is the statewide data.

Adonica Duggan (BR Alliance for Students): I think at a high school level you can’t minimize, if you look at graduation rates, it definitely has an impact. The vast majority of kids aren’t able to keep their education on track when facing these circumstances. Definitely something to consider, the intersection of improving outcomes for high school kids if you don’t have early intervention.

Reverend Anderson: Are some of the youth organizations on the calls such as 4-H, etc. engaging in this type of education?

Patrick Tuck: 4-H does have our new Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Staff person as well as other healthy living staff dedicated to these kinds of issues. I want to ask - as it’s related to other traumatic instances with high school kids staying engaged, are there any resources available for teens on that front?

Angela Golden: STAR has counseling services for those who have experienced sexual violence which are completely free. We had to limit youth counseling because of COVID but now that we’re heading back to the office, we’re picking back up. As far as other resources, I would defer to the experts in the room.

Chelsea Moreau (AHA): I would connect with ICare and the prevention program within EBRPS. They have a lot of resources for all ages specifically around trauma and mindfulness.

Alfredo Cruz (Foundation for Louisiana): Is there in EBRP an infant mortality review council or panel that looks at infant deaths and their causes to ensure that there are interventions to prevent further deaths? Additionally, does the curriculum and work you do with teens include work relevant to LGBTQ and gender nonconforming teens?

Angela Golden: We are realizing the lack of that information within our curriculum. A lot of the things we have are evidence based programming...we’re going in and changing the language to utilize they/them programs instead of keeping things to the binary of he and she. We are working on specific training and content for our STARt Here website. That is something that is lacking and we need to have more of.

Frankie Robertson: At the state level, there’s a Louisiana Child Death Review Panel and the Louisiana Fetal and Infant Mortality and Review Network (FIMR)

Gwen Hamilton (NSBR): They do include some parish data but it’s collected through the state.

Reverend Anderson (PREACH): Two questions - one, in EBR we have a great number of overage middle schoolers. Question about whether or not we are moving that training chronologically to where it belongs. Two, there is a bill about creating a Women’s Health Department at the state level and if either of the speakers want to talk about where that is right now and what they think the impact of having that department will be on this particular item.

Frankie Robertson: Two separate bills...HB193 was heard in committee last week and was amended so much that Mrs. Alma Steward of the Center for Health Equity aren’t pleased with it. Some of the amendments change the integrity of the bill. They want to add some things back. The actual bill is to establish an office, it is not to create a division or separate Department of Health. It would fund three positions - an Assistant Secretary of Health, an Executive Assistant to the Secretary, and a grant researcher. They’re urging folks to reach out to your legislator over the next three days to ask that the bill be restored more closely to its original version.

Pat LeDuff (CADAV): This is good information but I’d like to ask that we continue to stand with prevention. The problem that I have is, once you have the baby it can be an advantage - food stamps, a check, etc. We want to put extra resources in to keep the kids engaged and excited about getting jobs, getting their own money, to get what they need so they’re excited about a bright future without a baby.

Casey Phillips: I know LYFE does a lot of work around abstinence. That would be another resource to link to.

Reverend Anderson: STAR is such a wealth of knowledge. Oftentimes, as a faith-based person, it is hard...I got asked privately in the chat whether faith-based organizations do these kinds of things and as a pastor I always did. But I also knew others who did not touch this stuff at all. There’s some really good assets in this community that address these topics in very factual and real ways for the community to utilize.

Reginald Brown (Gardere Initiative): We are challenged with the information that comes from current social media, the images that kids see and are inundated with all day every day, that has a powerful influence on them also. I’ve had two students who went through the training and engaged in unprotected sex and either have babies or are pregnant. I hear conversations from them - they are very liberal with sexual innuendo when they talk among themselves. The graphic sexual activities I’ve heard them talking about several years ago would have been surprising. That is what we have to fight. That is the balance of getting the message out there every day about abstinence...we did the Success Sequence for Poverty Elimination, those three things you have to do - graduate, work full time, get married before having children - so that you can get out of poverty. I think kids heard that message. The other part is classes have to be succinct, to the point, and give them a few takeaways in 15/30 minutes, make them repeat it and use it so it sticks in their mind.

Alfreda Bester: I had the privilege of being the immediate past Assistant Secretary at the Department of Children and Family Services. One of the things I think we have to start to do is help the children because they are the immediate symptom for what is usually a generational issue. Often the parents have been the victims of the ills of society and they generally pass it on because they’ve not dealt with the issue. We have to teach the parents as well. It has to be a joint effort - whether it's generational policy...children will be what they see but their parents are also what they've seen. To effectively deal with the issues the children are manifesting we also have to incorporate the parents. I don’t know how to get them all but I will die trying!

Janel Washington (Futures Fund): I want to speak to how my experience is proof that education is so important...last year I gave birth to my daughter early and a lot of things...many things made me feel defeated but my knowledge of my body, my rights, and my health, my sex education as a youth, contributed to me being able to overcome and speak with power in situations where it felt as if I could have drowned. Just speaking to the importance of that in our youth. A lot of times we confuse access with knowledge. I am here as an advocate of it’s importance for sure.

Zoë Haddad (Walls Project): I know STAR has resources for victim advocacy and I was curious if you do something like that for young people giving birth who maybe need somebody to speak to power like Janel was just talking about who if they don’t know their rights, don’t know what to say in that hospital room, have somebody to advocate for them as a young parent. Second, do you know of any resources for young people coming out of private education who didn’t receive comprehensive sex education...I went to Catholic school and this was just something you did not talk about. I was curious about that transition into higher education. Do you have any programs or know of anyone who can offer them a better education going from a shelter place to a very different college experience?

Angela Golden: There are a lot of educators at Planned Parenthood that give this education. They have a wealth of knowledge, it’s just the connotation surrounding their name. Many people steer clear of them but they give factual information, they give that base level knowledge all the way to more intense information for young adults and teens. They offer classes and workshops virtually for this information. The website in itself has tons of resources for teens and young adults. As far as advocacy for young parents, we know that intersection with sexual violence. We can provide advocacy and support but again I would defer to Planned Parenthood for that. They have tons of resources that just aren’t being utilized at all.

Frankie Robertson: I would just add based upon what Zoë was asking as far as resources for patient advocacy, I dropped some information in the chat. I would say for birthing persons experiencing that journey there are services that can be utilized by doulas - pregnancy coaches who can educate, advocate, and empower. I dropped in the chat an organization that created a list of Black doulas, a great place to start especially for culturally competent resources. Darius Spurlock (GEAR-UP/LOSFA): I was privileged to be part of one of the healthy dating curriculum’s from STAR and the students really enjoyed it. I can definitely speak to that work and how engaged the students were. Coming from the college access size, I thought about what Ms. Pat said about teen parents. I thought about seniors completing their FAFSA application. One of the barriers they often have is getting their parent’s information. As a parent, the student can be considered independent which will help them pay for a large portion of their education.

Tina Ufford (BikeBR/The Red Shoes): The Red Shoes will have an outdoor yoga class all Sundays in May at the BR Gallery park area. If anybody is looking for beginner, easy yoga, my classes on Sundays are at 10. The Red Shoes is a good resource for people needing to get to other organizations supporting women.

Flitcher Bell (SULC): Next Saturday May 22 there will be a free reentry clinic held at 7711 Goodwood Blvd covering traffic tickets, evictions, child support, etc. It's free, no police presence. No ones’ going to get re-arrested, just come out and get free legal services if you need.

Emily Chatelain: Three O’ Clock Project has an immediate need to find a home for 1,190 healthy suppers and 1,190 healthy snack meals that are going to be prepared over the weekend. Can be delivered Monday or Tuesday. Email for more info.

Rodneyna Hart: We have lots of events coming up. If anyone is interested in being a part of the Capitol Park Museum resource fair, please reach out to me.

Shared Links and Resources

Zoom Chat

08:30:15 From Lou Guthrie to Everyone : I will tell Charlie everyone was talking about him.

08:31:51 From Adonica Duggan to Everyone : I no longer feel bad about the number of tabs I have open 08:32:31 From Casey Phillips to Everyone : Directions: Please add names of organizations and individuals that work on each of these drivers of poverty. If you have contact information please add that in the 'Member Info' tab below. Click the titles for more information on the driver.

08:38:54 From Luke St. John McKnight to Everyone : Zeta Phi Beta

08:38:56 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone : I believe it is Zeta

08:45:02 From Alfredo Cruz to Everyone : Does EBRP have an infant mortality review process/council that investigates causes of infant deaths to ensure there are interventions to address those causes?

08:47:49 From jennifer carwile to Everyone : Please post a link to this website!

08:47:53 From Rodneyna Hart to Everyone : This is so great!

08:48:19 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone : I am so thankful for the work that STAR does. Because EBRP has a disproportionate number of overage middle schoolers I think we revisit the age of when we start.

08:49:12 From Priscilla Allen to Everyone : thank you for this critical work. is clear is critical!

08:49:19 From Adonica Duggan to Everyone : Agreed, by the time we think young people need information, they have already been flooded with misinformation from their peers.

08:49:36 From Orhan Mc Millan to Everyone :

08:49:41 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : The first link stresses the importance of what to do BEFORE you get pregnant. Preconception health is important and it begins at birth even long before pregnancy is a thought. Since most pregnancies are unplanned, this information is important.

08:50:04 From Angela Golden (she/her) to Everyone :

08:50:10 From Orhan Mc Millan to Everyone :

08:50:22 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone :

08:50:35 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone : There is currently legislation to support the creation of a Department of Women's Health. Do either one of the speakers want to talk about the value of this department on helping to work on teen pregnancy?

08:50:35 From Angela Golden (she/her) to Everyone : Angela Golden

(She, Her/Hers pronouns)

Community Education Director

Sexual Trauma Awareness & Response®

5615 Corporate Blvd., Ste 200

Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Phone- (225)615-7093 Ext. 115

Fax- (225)615-7236


08:50:39 From Ann Zanders to Everyone : I have 4 grand girls but have 3 sons. At my age I am more open to these conversations now. Grateful for this website!!!!

08:50:45 From Orhan Mc Millan to Everyone : Thank you Frankie and Angela!

08:51:56 From Manny Patole to Everyone : Great conversations to have with k-12, young adults and their parents too.

08:52:01 From Rodneyna Hart to Everyone : If education is the same from the early 2000s at Baton Rouge High there is a "health" class where sexual health is a part of the conversation.

08:52:01 From Leslie Clay to Everyone : Being from another state I was shocked about the lack of sex ed in HS in Louisiana. My now college student had sex ed in middle school but NONE in HS. I was very shocked as a parent.

08:52:20 From Leslie Clay to Everyone : We lived in another state in Middle School

08:52:28 From Walls Project to Everyone : Louisiana State Law defines sex education as: “the dissemination of factual biological or pathological information

that is related to the human reproduction system and may include the study of sexually transmitted disease, pregnancy, childbirth, puberty, menstruation, and menopause, as well as… parental responsibilities.” Louisiana does

not require instruction in sexual health education at any grade level, but does allow sexual health education

to be taught in grades 7–12. Sexual health education must emphasize abstinence, but can also include other

risk reduction methods, such as contraception and condoms.

08:53:15 From Angela Golden (she/her) to Everyone : HB564

08:53:46 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone : Are some of the youth organizations on the calls such as 4-H, etc. engaging in this type of education?

08:54:40 From Angela Golden (she/her) to Everyone : We've only worked with Big Buddy and Gardere Initiative, I believe

08:54:46 From Alfreda Tillman Bester to Everyone : I think that we have to start with teaching the parents (BOTH- but especially the mothers) that there are boundaries! We assume that parents are informed, but in many cases with the populations that we serve, many of the young mothers themselves have been the victims of sexual violence.

08:55:15 From Alfredo Cruz to Everyone : I completely embrace this work of sexual education, health and safety. Do either of the presenters speak to teens also about sexual identity and sexual orientation. I have seen a gap of services for LGBTQ and gender nonconforming teens who also need guidance and support.

08:57:54 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : Thx, Angela! Here’s the link for all. Hopefully it’ll soon be a dead bill.

08:59:35 From Gardere Initiative to Everyone : Reginald Brown,, 8435 Ned Ave 70820

09:00:01 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : I’m wondering if Capital Area Human Services offers counseling services to teens. They do offer services to adults.

09:00:42 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : Family Road of Greater Baton Rouge is also a great resource.

09:00:57 From Casey Phillips to Everyone : I see you Pat LeDuff

09:01:43 From Chelsea Morgan to Everyone : I-CARE: You may also connect with their Director, Erin T. Pourciau:

09:01:53 From Manny Patole to Everyone : And Frankie was very good during her presentation by saying “people who birth”… It was noticed by some :-)

09:02:52 From Casey Phillips to Everyone : Gwen I see you as well

09:03:38 From Leslie Clay to Everyone :

09:04:22 From Casey Phillips to Everyone : Thank you Leslie!

09:04:38 From Leslie Clay to Everyone : Not a problem :)

09:04:54 From Patrick Tuck 4-H (he/him) to Everyone : Hi Casey -- on the topic of youth, gender, and sexual identity, pronouns, etc. 4-H Agents and AgCenter staff are going through ongoing trainings on these topics. Our spring professional development conference did focus on this point through extensively with multiple national presenters from the 4-H organization.

09:05:10 From Casey Phillips to Everyone : Awesome PT

09:05:26 From Casey Phillips to Everyone : Thank you for your comment Mrs. Bester

09:07:46 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : I can connect you.

09:08:11 From Casey Phillips to Everyone : Thank you both

09:08:19 From Patrick Tuck 4-H (he/him) to Everyone : is a terrific resource for LGBTQ Youth Inclusion and Advocacy

09:08:25 From Edy Addison-CAUW to Everyone : I'm hearing about really great resources on this call. CAUW would love to make sure they are captured in the 211 resource database if they are public. You can search the database and add resources at

09:09:08 From Alfreda Tillman Bester to Everyone : Alma Stewart-

09:09:48 From Karla King - concerned citizen to Everyone : Thank you Pat LeDuff for this.

09:09:48 From Sherreta Harrison to Everyone : the economic "benefits" of parenthood is a real thing and worth including in the conversation. Thanks for raising Ms Leduff.

09:10:02 From Gardere Initiative to Everyone : ;

09:10:39 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : March of Dimes maternal health report card.

09:11:07 From Ashley Everett to Everyone : Hi All! I’m new to this group but happy to be here this morning. The organization I work at (IWES: Institute of Women & Ethnic Studies) is housed in New Orleans but we are working with partners in Region 1, 2, and 3 to provide trauma-informed comprehensive sex education. If anyone is interested in learning more, I can be contacted at .

09:11:20 From Gardere Initiative to Everyone : correction -

09:11:24 From Ann Zanders to Everyone : Does STAR still train folks with their curriculum

09:11:29 From Alfreda Tillman Bester to Everyone : Shirley Johnson, Office of Gov JBE, heads the LYFE Program. 225-342-0425

09:11:34 From Angela Golden (she/her) to Everyone :

09:11:44 From Casey Phillips to Everyone : Thank you Alfreda

09:12:10 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : March of Dimes preterm birth report card to view maternal health info to include teen pregnancy info on outcomes:

09:12:28 From Manny Patole to Everyone : Curios Q: SexEd a single class or for an entire semester for HS students?

09:12:32 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : Organizations I work with:

09:12:38 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone :

09:12:47 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone :

09:13:07 From Kim Mosby to Everyone : In addition to what Ashley mentioned, the Institute of Women & Ethnic Studies offers mental health modules for teens as well as an emotional wellness screener. The mental health modules focus on healthy coping skills, healthy relationships, stress, as well as other topics. The screener is administered by our licensed social workers. If children flag for trauma experiences, our social workers meet with them immediately following the screener and connect them to resources.

09:13:40 From Manny Patole to Everyone : NPR FTW!

09:16:30 From Karla King - concerned citizen to Everyone : Thank you Garden Initiative for this important truth coming from conditioning at very early ages from social messages.

09:17:09 From Orhan Mc Millan to Everyone : Thank you all. I have to step off

09:18:21 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : And I think that’s why its so important to educate about the choices one makes now can impact one’s health for a lifetime. But we also have to make sure children have the proper mental health resources they need to address issues that are impacting them.

09:18:29 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone : Absolutely. We are one of the largest grandparents raising grandchildren states in the country.

09:20:24 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : So powerful.

09:20:31 From Angela Golden (she/her) to Everyone : Our biggest obstacle is that schools only allow a certain time frame for our presentations. They want us to work with students in 1.5 hours in an effort to check the box of their requirements. But we know for information to stick and make a difference, it requires consistent education and reinforcement. This includes STAR presenting as well as the faculty and staff to be educated and informed as well.

09:21:11 From Zoe Haddad (she/her) to Everyone : Yes Janel!!!

09:21:15 From Karla King - concerned citizen to Everyone : Thanks Janelle!

09:21:24 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone : We have to commit to community based asset building. We have to stop walking away from communities with challenges and start putting asset building assets into those communities that are not about policing. Healthy eating, civic engagement, good lighting, extensive and affordable out of school and after school programming that encompasses the entire community.

09:21:32 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : Thank you, Janelle! Yes, let’s connect. 225-247-7834.

09:22:22 From Leslie Clay (She/Her) to Everyone : @Angela - 1.5 hours is not nearly enough. My goodness.

09:22:56 From Futures Fund to Everyone : I’m Lyfe curriculum trained from my work at Jewel J. Newman.

09:25:53 From Rodneyna Hart (Mx. She, her) to Everyone : PP is a wonderful org. They help so many people

09:26:03 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : Hi Zoe, the patient rights/advocacy services you described can be provided by a doula. There is a list of doulas that can be found here:

09:26:17 From Walls Project to Everyone : Is there any programming to help youth approach their parents to get birth control or other items that require a parent/dr visit?

09:26:21 From Zoe Haddad (she/her) to Everyone : Yes definitely! Curious as to ways we can de-stigmatize the Planned Parenthood name - such an important org

09:26:35 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone : Family Service of Greater Baton Rouge, the Medicaid providers, Family Roads of Greater Baton Rouge

09:26:37 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : Correct, Zoe.

09:26:40 From Gardere Initiative to Everyone : I was a Catholic School 8th grade teacher and principal in New Mexico and we provided annual body and sex education to 7th & 8th graders. Not sure about Louisiana.

09:27:51 From Casey Phillips to Everyone : This is a great global organization to engage with:

09:28:38 From Angela Golden (she/her) to Everyone :

09:29:23 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : Yes, Family Road is a great resource.

09:29:43 From Manny Patole to Everyone : Thank you for a very valuable conversation for every community

09:29:56 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone :

09:30:18 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone : Thank you guys!!!

09:30:31 From Kim Mosby to Everyone : Thank you for a great conversation! Until next week... please reach out if you'd like to connect.

09:31:11 From Casey Phillips to Everyone : REMINDER: Please add names of organizations and individuals that work on each of these drivers of poverty. If you have contact information please add that in the 'Member Info' tab below. Click the titles for more information on the driver.

09:33:08 From Karla King - concerned citizen to Everyone : Thanks Tina for your information.

09:33:17 From Anita White to Everyone : Yes! Tina is right about The Red Shoes!

09:33:22 From Futures Fund to Everyone : Thank you for this!!! Very impactful. Can’t wait to connect and work together. Have a great weekend everyone!

09:33:50 From Zoe Haddad (she/her) to Everyone : Thanks for an incredible conversation. There’s so much room for growth in sex education and health in Louisiana and all the fine folks on this call are doing incredible work to give young folks a fighting chance whether its prevention or helping folks navigate unexpected parenthood.

09:34:07 From Mitchell Provensal to Everyone : Tina saved my back last summer!

09:34:43 From Manny Patole to Everyone : Have a great weekend all! Casey, still owe me a call

09:34:46 From Manny Patole to Everyone : :-)

09:34:58 From Tina Ufford to Everyone :

09:35:23 From Emily Chatelain to Everyone : HI all - Three Oclock Project has an immediate need to find a home for 560 healthy supper and 560 healthy snack meals that are going to be prepared over the weekend. Can be delivered Mon/Tues

09:35:47 From Emily Chatelain to Everyone : We had a partner cancel on us but the food is purchased and being prepared.

09:36:14 From Rodneyna Hart (Mx. She, her) to Everyone : CPM is looking for partners and has lots of programs coming up soon

09:36:15 From Tina Ufford to Everyone :

09:36:23 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone : The East Baton Rouge Parish Prison Reform Coalition will hosts its monthly Caravan for Justice on Saturday, May 15th @ 10:00 a.m.

09:36:34 From Rodneyna Hart (Mx. She, her) to Everyone :; 225-229-3389

09:38:36 From Rev. Alexis Anderson to Everyone : Awesome

09:38:42 From Pat LeDuff to Everyone :

09:38:43 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : Thank you for the invitation! Thanks for all that you do.

09:39:07 From Angela Golden (she/her) to Everyone : at March for Moms

09:39:16 From Emily Chatelain to Everyone :

09:39:26 From Emily Chatelain to Everyone : 504-439-6060 (feel free to text)

09:39:52 From Frankie Robertson to Everyone : I have to hop off. Thx :)

09:40:06 From Karla King - concerned citizen to Everyone : Thank you Alfreda.

09:40:09 From Emily Chatelain to Everyone : *560 supper meals, and 560 snack - and 560 cartons of milk, Mon or Tue delivery.

09:41:59 From Rodneyna Hart (Mx. She, her) to Everyone :; 225-229-3389

09:43:31 From Angela Golden (she/her) to Everyone : I am heading to another meeting. Please reach out to me for collaborations.

09:44:14 From Emily Chatelain to Everyone : Oh no I miscalculated... it is 1,190 supper and 1,190 snack

09:46:50 From Anita White to Everyone : Great work you’re doing here!

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