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Samantha Morgan

Walls Project Launching Podcast to Share Your Voice About Our Culture

Updated: Mar 17, 2022

Over the last ten years, the Walls Project has spent time in the community tearing down the walls built by modern society that can prevent people from living safe, healthy, and prosperous lives. Moving into our next decade of work, we’re taking the messages we’ve learned along the way and broadcasting them for all to hear.

To begin, we're starting with a podcast called Walls + 1. Each episode will feature a one-on-one conversation between a member of the Walls Project and an individual who is part of a movement working to tear down those societal walls.

For the first season, we’re talking to some of our nonprofit partners and digging deep into the issues they’re fighting to address.

The first conversation is between Samantha Morgan and Sherreta R. Harrison on the topic of equal pay with a particular focus on the wage gap dividing men and women in the workplace.

“I don’t know that I ever started out trying to work on equal pay,” Harrison said during the conversation. “I don’t know that it was ever my goal, but I do consider it my personal purpose to break down barriers and create access where there was none. And equal pay is one of those places where if we could just get some high leverage action; if we could just move the needle a little bit, we’ll see some change, we’ll see some barriers come down, we’ll see some access.”

Morgan represents the Walls Project in the discussion and although she’s relatively new as an employee, she’s been cheering on the work from the beginning and was there the day the first mural was painted due to her work as a journalist.

“I’ve always been a fan of the work the Walls Project set out to achieve,” Morgan said. “As a lifelong resident of Baton Rouge, it was exciting to watch this organization grow into what it is today. I was always under the illusion that the only way to be successful in the creative industry was to leave and go somewhere else. The Walls Project operates under the belief that every city can be a place for success, you just have to be willing to believe and try.”

It takes an entire community to speak out and speak up for change. That’s why the tagline for the podcast is “your voice, our community.” By the end of every episode, we hope you will feel empowered to take action if you so choose. That’s why every episode will end with practical advice regarding actions you can take, too.

Keep an eye on your inbox for more news related to this project. Until then, make sure you're following us on social media because that's where we want YOU to become part of the conversation.

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