Futures Fund’s pilot Coding Boot Camp class has officially walked across the virtual stage. Adults from various backgrounds completed multiple levels of coding for the web courses to receive a certificate of completion and an opportunity to take two CIW certification exams to help them seek better employment or to begin their journey into higher education.
Now that they are trained and ready to take on the tech industry, Walls Project wanted to know what the Coding Boot Camp alumni learned from the experience, their proudest achievements, and what they have planned for the future.
Interested in starting your own journey? Sign up for the next Coding Boot Camp session. In the meantime, read what our recent grads had to say:

Kristen White
“Going through the Boot Camp helped me realize that I can achieve anything that I want to do. It delivered a boost to my confidence and helped me take my life and my future into my own hands after battling several health crises. I could go on and on about the support that I've received from the staff from day one.”
“My future plans include continuing to learn all I can in the tech industry, so that I may become skilled at full-stack development and eventually become an independent consultant and programmer. Those plans aren't set in stone, because I anticipate that this industry will surprise me with opportunities I've never considered.”

Kristian E. Wilson
“It was the accessibility and timing that really led to my interest in taking this boot camp. This was also my first learning experience in a totally virtual space, aside from helping my own children during distance learning. I was able to adapt but what helped, even more, is that I got to see these same faces and still connect with them over the course of our tenure with the program.”
“Currently I work in healthcare in an admin-intake position working from home. I have total interest in seeing how I can be a part of the growing TeleHealth avenue. I know with what I learned with Futures Fund, my tech confidence that has been built, and my 10+ years in healthcare, I am sure to be in a position to leave my stamp in this tech world.”

Laura Bowling
“I was inspired to join Coding Boot Camp because I see the lack of women representing the many different fields in technology and wanted training and certification to prove my capabilities as a female coder. The program also inspired me to never doubt my capabilities and grow to love to learn again.”
“I plan to continue learning, including Python, and I hope to teach coding and help other women realize their potential as a coder. I currently have a full-time job, but I would love to freelance and build an income that I can control.”
“My biggest takeaway from the experience was that I could accomplish this without hesitation. I felt like it was out of my league in the beginning but as I got going, I knew I could successfully complete it, and it felt great to be successful at something.”